All exhibitions

Chrisse Candolin

The Sign of the Times, light paintings

March 16, 2022
April 2, 2022


The artist Chrisse Candolin explores allegorically the human relationship with nature in her light paintings. How humanity in its arrogance exploits nature, our ancestral home. When our actions bring about irretrievable changes in nature and the balance is broken, not even the familiar planets look the same as they used to. Our restless mind and constant hurry brings destabilisation, danger.

It alters our brain and devastates the natural world. We should understang the natural order of things on our home planet. In spite of this rather somber message the artist uses the light of the moon in her light paintings to state that life is also wonderful, joyous. The world and nature are sacred, miracle of which we are a part of. The question is whether we are the good part of the evil part is up to us. Nature will always prevail.


In the Book Gallery space there will also be Jussi Rautsi's photography of trees in Helsinki, trees which have a story to tell.