Exhibition opening on Tuesday October 22nd from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Warm welcome!
The Japanese watercolor woodblock print - mokuhanga - has fascinated me since I was a child. The soft colors of the pictures, fine contours and color transitions - bokashi - have also inspired my own works. Mokuhanga is not just a printed image, but the result of a long process. Starting with selected wooden slabs and the knives and chisels needed to work on them. Continuing with hand-made Japanese paper - washi -, with its soft surface onto which the image is transferred from the tiles one color and one color transition at a time.
Getting to know how to make woodcuts in Japan and studying the craft in Finland have over the years deepened my skills and knowledge of mokuhanga. However, cutting tiles and embossing pictures in the Japanese style are skills that can only be learned by doing countless repetitions. This is the journey of a lifetime.
The subjects of my works are mainly drawn from Finnish nature, but Japanese landscapes and phenomena can also be found in my art.