The exhibition ''And then light took us'' consisting of Iikka Lehtinen's drawings and paintings will take place in Laterna Magica's Tile and Cellar gallery spaces in May. The opening of the exhibition on Tuesday, May 7. from 5 to 7 p.m. Warm welcome.
Philosopher Ludvig Wittgenstein once said that '“Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must be silent”. As there are certain things that cannot be understood with the help of language, in this case the art of visual artist Iikka Lehtinen acts as an intermediary for understanding.
This exhibition offers urban mystical fantasies created by Lehtinen's powerfully sensitive drawing style, in which he deals with alternative perspectives that are beyond the limits of reason.
So forget logic and other rationality and let the light take you to experience this unique exhibition between reality and occult.
Above: The Dobermans, felt tip pens and coloured pencils, 100x70 cm.